Year of the Dragon Calendar Illustrations

Exhibition Design: Make Noise Today

Custom Iconography

Year of the Tiger Calendar Illustrations

KCON Stage Design

Long Beach Walls + Art Renzei

Vitasoy/Vita Brand Awareness Ads

Vita Peach Tea

Cottontail Lounge

Google Women's Summit

Don't Flush That!

Busch Gardens & SeaWorld Camp


Boca Park Animal Hospital Brand Identity

Type Exercises

Ticketmaster Brand Guidelines Site

Make Noise Today "Letters To" Exhibition

Make Noise Today Educational Toolkit

Book Designs and Layout


WD My Passport Illustrations

Google Event Posters

Las Vegas LGBT Ads - Print and Digital Banners

Spirit Airlines Inflight Takeover

Google 2017 Corp Eng Women's Summit Posters

Chocolate Packaging Design

Character Design and Illustration

Google Corporate Engineering Women’s Summit 2016

Agency In-house Artwork

PlantBerri Branding and Packaging

Google PB&T Summit

R&R Partners Food Drive